{ "about": "About", "available": "Available", "blog": "Blog Article", "community": "Community", "contributors": "Contributors", "countryCode": "us", "description": "Check availability for your new app name ideas across major registries at once.", "gettingStarted": "Getting Started", "gettingStartedWithExample": "Try with namae", "issues": "Issues", "language": "Language", "noResult": "No Result", "placeholder": "search", "pressEnterToSearch": "Press Enter to search", "providers": { "appStore": "App Store", "archlinux": "Arch Linux", "ubuntu": "Ubuntu", "debian": "Debian", "domains": "Domains", "firebase": "Firebase", "github": "GitHub Organization", "githubSearch": "GitHub Repository", "gitlab": "GitLab", "google": "Google Search", "heroku": "Heroku", "homebrew": "Homebrew", "instagram": "Instagram", "jsorg": "js.org", "linux": "Linux", "netlify": "Netlify", "now": "Vercel", "npm": "npm", "nta": "Company (JP)", "ocaml": "OCaml", "playStore": "Google Play Store", "pypi": "PyPI", "rubygems": "RubyGems", "rust": "Rust", "s3": "AWS S3", "slack": "Slack", "spectrum": "Spectrum", "reddit": "Reddit", "twitter": "Twitter", "cloudflare": "Cloudflare" }, "showMore": "show more", "title": "Grab a slick name for your new app", "try": "How about this?", "unavailable": "Unavailable", "uniqueness": { "description": "UNIQ shows how unique the name is (0 to 100)", "high": "Pretty unique", "low": "Typical", "moderate": "Moderately unique" }, "join-us": "Send <1>a pull request and become a contributor!" }