This is sure to satisfy those who are into computers. これはコンピュータにはまっている人をきっと満足させるだろう
I've always wanted to study abroad someday but I haven't been able to yet.
# 複文と分詞構文
A typhoon hit the city, causing big destruction.
While skiing in Hakuba, I twisted my ankle.
Not knowing what to say, she kept silent.
Seeing me, the man ran away. ←→ As the man saw me, he ran away.
Written in simple English, this book is easy to understand. ←→ Since this book is written in simple English, it is easy to understand.
Walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell. ←→ When I was walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell.
and そうすれば or 然もなくば but けれども so だから、それで for というのも nor ~もまた、~ではない
She is not a politician, nor is she a diplomat.
# when
未来の**条件**を表す場合は**現在形**を使う When I arrive at the station, I'll call you.
過去の時を表す場合は過去形 When I was a child, I used to like soccer.
未来の**可能性**を話す場合は**未来形** I don't know when he will come.
happened to — たまたま、偶然、もしかして
Do you happen to know if she has a boyfriend? — あの子に彼氏いるのかな?
I want (to eat an apple)←名詞的
Thank you for playing the game
She is studying English hard to study abroad.
She study English hard to study abroad.
only to A — 思わぬ悲観的な事実を説明するclause
He **returned** after the war **only to be told** that his wife had left him.
I **tore** open the box, **only to discover** that some of the parts were missing.
I **arrived****only to find** that the others had already left.
# 倒置法
So do I — 私も!(I like appleに対して)
So am I — 私も!(I'm twenty years oldに対して)
Here comes bus — もうバス来たよ
Here we go — ほら行こう
In you go — 中にお入り
What a shitty day — なんて日だ
How beautiful (that is) — なんて綺麗なの
"I'm fine", said he — 大丈夫だと彼は言った
Dark as(though) it was, I found the footprints. — 暗かったが、なんとか足跡を見つけた
Hard though she tried, she couldn't make the deadline. — 頑張ったが間に合わなかった
Do what you will, I won't give up — 何をされようとも諦めない
Walk as he would, he couldn't get to the station. — どんなに歩いても駅にたどり着けなかった
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