- I myself struggle with the endeavor of mastering the English language
- vis-à-vis - 〜と向かい合って、〜と比較して
- takeaway - 要点
- thoroughly - 徹底的に
- have little to do with ほとんど関係がない
- As well as I recall, - 記憶している限りでは、
- He is more of a researcher - どちらかというと研究者だ
- It is more a matter of feelings. - どちらかというと気持ちの問題だ
- more of a curse than a blessing - メリットよりデメリットが多い
- manifold — 多数の
- three-fold — 三倍
- evade — 避ける = avoid
- a word that evades definition — 定義しにくい言葉
- don't be fooled by A — Aに惑わされるな
- thrice — とても
- Circuit Judge Joseph Bulone called 49-year-old Michael Drejka a “wanna-be” law enforcement officer and a self-appointed “handicapped parking space monitor.”
- encapsulate — 包容している
- atm — at this moment
- so far — これまで
- SMDH — Shaking My Damn Head
- micro stutter — プログラム上の細微な遅延
- When characters are missing from fonts, it's nice to be able to communicate to the user that this happened. — フォントに文字が欠けている場合、それをユーザーに伝えることができると便利です。
- for the sake of A — Aの名のもとに
- Firefox has abandoned subpixel-AA for the sake of simplicity — Firefoxはシンプルさの名のもとにサブピクセルAAを棄てました。
- The entire idea behind subpixel-AA is that you are abusing how the pixels are laid out in a display. — サブピクセルアンチエイリアスは、ディスプレイにピクセルがどのように配置されているかという知識を基に成り立っています。
- a reasonable balance — 適度なバランス
- That said, — とはいえ、
- A with B on it — Bが乗っているA
- can play a bit fast and loose with A — Aを大雑把に扱える
- current iteration of A — 現行のA
- A doesn't play nice with B — BがためAが上手く動かない
- our current iteration of search doesn't play nice with CJK characters
- Tried out and see what happens — 試して成り行きを見てみた
- Losing your shit — the state of being pushed over the edge of sanity and having a complete and utter freak out or mental/emotional breakdown ≒ お前は完全にイッちまうぜ
> And this is a Tech Forum, AND it's supposed to be a safe space. — そしてここは技術フォーラムであり、*かつ*心理的安全性が確保されているべき場所だ。
- any of those — これらどれでも (all of, everyと交換可能 | 肯定文)
- there aren't any apples on the floor (否定の場合はanyの後に複数形)
- you will likely do A — あなたはAすることだろう
- 99% of the time this is what you want to use — 99%これを使えば良い
- The one catch is that — 例外は、
- I ended up settling for this which looks incredibly anti-pattern-y but was the only option that wouldn’t explode on me — 最終的にこれに落ち着いた。アンチパターンっぽいけど僕にとっては一番安定している
- Why was that even created? — まずなぜこれが作られたの?
- Putting the main code in another function serves two purposes:
> wireless charging is kinda funny because it really goes to show that the only way to get the tech industry to agree on a unified connector is to not have a connector
> me: it’s not that I mind freelancing, I love it. It’s just that the social interaction is pretty minimal and extremely uneven day-to-day and sometimes I wonder how that will affect me long term, you know?
- My dA account turned 10yo. In fact, I had spent 99% of the time as a lurker and six months ago finally started drawing and posting art.
- A conditional request is one that triggers if something happens, like: "If you don't quit talking, I am gonna have to ask you to leave." In this case, you can't really say, "If you don't quit talking, I have to ask you to leave." So even though it's not really conditional, using a conditional form is more polite because it's less direct.
> I would also half-expect the following sentences to contain further information on this particular group of students, like this:
> It uses the definite article before "majority of the students", as if referring to a known group.
> Next piece is gonna be a super mega holy shit giantess 👍👍👍
> This sentence uses the indefinite article before the "majority of the students". This has the effect of introducing this group of students to the reader or the listener.
> It may give a hint that the exact number of the students that will vote is uncertain: it could be 51%, but then it could be 88%.
> Design is not just a visual thing, it's a thought process. it's a skill.
- LRT: My favorite part of this is the upload on Youtube that's titled "Iwata vs Reggie (full fight)" like it was stitched together from multiple episodes of Naruto.
- get around to — 先延ばしにしていたことにやっと取り掛かる
- Finally got around to writing something on @ThePracticalDev, which was a really great experience!
- wordy, lengthy — 言葉の多い、冗長な
- A teenager not old to buy a six-pack — ビールも買えない年頃の子供
- It is likely that 未来形 — 〜になるだろう
- It's likely that the affair will come to nothing — どうやら無事に治まりそうだ
> the developer advocate in question understands the language barrier, it would seem; he’s not a native English speaker. regardless, his stance puts many who haven’t had a strong English education at a disadvantage. it prioritizes “getting things done” over people...
> "We live in a world of churn, but we do not have to accept high churn rates as the only reality." from "Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in a World of Churn (English Edition)" by Anne Janzer
> 45 Ways To Avoid Using The Word 'Very' - Writers Write
> @Nodejs and @the_jsf have merged to form the #OpenJSFoundation! The OpenJS Foundation is to become the central place to support collaborative development of #JavaScript and web technologies.
> In earlier versions of TypeScript, we generalized mapped types to operate differently on array-like types. This meant that a mapped type like Boxify could work on arrays and tuples alike.
> a cool thing about the last few years is that the U.S. became the leading exporter of the intellectual machinery of western fascism and one of the leading domestic debates about it is whether undergrads are treating the people behind it politely enough
> Perhaps it would be less of a debate if they were more circumspect in who/what they call fascism. The main criticism seems to be that they have a lot of false positives in their "fascist-test" and treat anyone who points this out as fascist fellow travellers
> Universities are filled with people who feel like they are competing against their colleagues. When you do this, you end up constantly looking in front of you, feeling bitter. Or looking behind you, becoming arrogant. Run your own race.
> Much discussion about bias in ML due to the training dataset - this has been an active area of study for a long time in population genetics, and is still not fully resolved
> Welcome to the FGO NA Twitter. If you look to your left, you'll see the salty people club that are currently sulling about not pulling Okita. If you look to your right, you'll see the angry weeb club still screeching about Emiya Alter. Please enjoy your stay.…
> Now announcing tsconfig-api 🎉 An experimental microservice for retrieving @typescript compiler option details 🔎 100% open source and hosted by @zeithq Now
> Amid all of the chaos, an answer could be found.
> There’s a special kind of joy in UI libraries when you see small primitives working. Like maybe it’s a two rectangle demo. But you’ve already learned that thanks to composition, if it worked for two rectangles, you can make it work for a whole FB/Twitter-level app.
> Honest question: how does banning people from an opportunity to build a professional presence and potentially escape an oppressive regime advance human rights?…
> The national flag of Japan is a rectangular white banner bearing a crimson-red disc at its center. This flag is officially called Nisshōki (日章旗, the "sun-mark flag"), but is more commonly known in Japan as Hinomaru (日の丸, the "circle of the sun"). It embodies the country's sobriquet: Land of the Rising Sun.
> reading this tweet is weird because at first you're like "hahaha they're not used to how gacha works" then you realize you've just been conditioned into being ok with predatory game models
> My takeaway is that I'm starting a support group for design systems engineers across the world. 😛 We're all going through different versions of the same challenges at each of our companies and it's always encouraging to share information about where we are in this journey.