update profile
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: 私について
permalink: "/author-ja"
layout: article
私の名前は **上地 泰彰** です。回帰ニューラルネットワークの研究をしている大学院生です。1994年に沖縄で生まれ、神奈川に住んでいます。
# 連絡
`y@uechi.io` 宛にメールを送るか、Twitterで [@uetschy](https://twitter.com/uetschy) をフォローしてください。
# こんな人
- バイオリン、ティンホイッスル、バウロンを演奏します
- フォントが好きです
- UI / UXデザインをします
- フロントエンドの興味: React, Redux
- バックエンドの興味: NodeJS, Go, MongoDB, Lambda, Docker
- JavaScript (NodeJS, TypeScript), Python, Go, C++, Rubyの経験があります
- Swift, C#, PHP, Javaは少しだけわかります。
- TOEIC 915点、TOEFL 78点です
- 中国語を勉強中です
# 記事
- [オープンソースプロジェクト @ GitHub](https://github.com/uetchy)
- [テクニカルノート (英語) @ dev.to](https://dev.to/uetchy)
- [デザインポートフォリオ @ Behance](https://www.behance.net/uechi)
# 現在の活動
- 修士課程 @ 慶應義塾大学大学院
@ -12,23 +12,12 @@ img {

> I'm **Yasuaki Uechi**, a graduate student studying about recurrent neural networks. I was born in Okinawa, Japan in 1994 and have been living in Kanagawa.
> I'm **Yasuaki Uechi**, a graduate student studying about recurrent neural networks. I was born in Okinawa, Japan in 1994 and have been living in Kanagawa.
# Contact
# Contact
Reach me at `y@uechi.io` or [@uetschy](https://twitter.com/uetschy) on Twitter.
Reach me at `y@uechi.io` or [@uetschy](https://twitter.com/uetschy) on Twitter.
## Public Key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAING7EWpaWSNsbWrfOQaTq5Vl2Tn8nHlAnoEEpgjH7prA
## GPG Key
## GPG Key
Get [GPG Key](https://github.com/uetchy.gpg) on GitHub.
Get [GPG Key](https://github.com/uetchy.gpg) on GitHub.
@ -37,20 +26,23 @@ Get [GPG Key](https://github.com/uetchy.gpg) on GitHub.
- Play violin, tin whistle and bodhrán
- Play violin, tin whistle and bodhrán
- Typeface fanatic
- Typeface fanatic
- UI / UX design
- UI / UX design, logo design, graphic design.
- Fontend interests: React, Redux
- Interests: Web dev, OSS governance, Global growth management
- Backend interests: NodeJS, Go, MongoDB, Lambda, Docker
- Fontend interests: React, Redux, Atomic Design, a11y, I18n
- Much experience in JavaScript (NodeJS, TypeScript), Python, Go, C++, and Ruby
- Backend interests: NodeJS, Go, MongoDB, Lambda functions, Docker, Automated deployments
- Little experience in Swift, C#, PHP and Java
- Much experience in JavaScript (NodeJS, TypeScript), Python, C++, and Ruby
- 915 in TOEIC, 78 in TOEFL
- Some experience in Swift, Go and Java
- Chinese learner.
- 940 in TOEIC
- Chinese learner
# Publishing
# Publishing
- [Open Source @ GitHub](https://github.com/uetchy)
- [Open Source @ GitHub](https://github.com/uetchy)
- [Technical Note (English) @ dev.to](https://dev.to/uetchy)
- [Technical Note (English) @ dev.to](https://dev.to/uetchy)
- [Technical Note (Japanese) @ Qiita](https://qiita.com/uetchy)
- [Design Portfolio @ Behance](https://www.behance.net/uechi)
- [Design Portfolio @ Behance](https://www.behance.net/uechi)
# Current Activity
# Current Activity
- Seeking for a job!
- Master student @ Graduate school of Keio University
- Master student @ Graduate school of Keio University
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