Update from Forestry.io

Yasuaki Uechi updated _posts/2019-01-17-english-note.markdown
This commit is contained in:
uetchy 2019-12-27 04:11:18 +00:00 committed by Forestry.io
parent b87418ee42
commit f7a62e0d04

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@ -8,17 +8,13 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- woe - 悲しみ - woe - 悲しみ
- a little too - 少し〜すぎる - a little too - 少し〜すぎる
- all that much - それほど(否定形で) - all that much - それほど(否定形で)
- family doesn't mean all that much to you. - family doesn't mean all that much to you.
- articulate - 考えをはっきり述べられる - articulate - 考えをはっきり述べられる
- concordant - 調和した - concordant - 調和した
- ergo - それ故に - ergo - それ故に
- かたい ergo - thus - therefore - so やわらかい - かたい ergo - thus - therefore - so やわらかい
- endeavor - 努力 - endeavor - 努力
- I myself struggle with the endeavor of mastering the English language - I myself struggle with the endeavor of mastering the English language
- vis-à-vis - 〜と向かい合って、〜と比較して - vis-à-vis - 〜と向かい合って、〜と比較して
- takeaway - 要点 - takeaway - 要点
- thoroughly - 徹底的に - thoroughly - 徹底的に
@ -31,7 +27,6 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- three-fold — 三倍 - three-fold — 三倍
- evade — 避ける = avoid - evade — 避ける = avoid
- a word that evades definition — 定義しにくい言葉 - a word that evades definition — 定義しにくい言葉
- don't be fooled by A — Aに惑わされるな - don't be fooled by A — Aに惑わされるな
- thrice — とても - thrice — とても
- Circuit Judge Joseph Bulone called 49-year-old Michael Drejka a “wanna-be” law enforcement officer and a self-appointed “handicapped parking space monitor.” - Circuit Judge Joseph Bulone called 49-year-old Michael Drejka a “wanna-be” law enforcement officer and a self-appointed “handicapped parking space monitor.”
@ -60,16 +55,25 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
> Have you thought of what you’ll do after you retire? — 引退したらやりたいことについて考えたことある? > Have you thought of what you’ll do after you retire? — 引退したらやりたいことについて考えたことある?
- any of those — これらどれでも (all of, everyと交換可能 | 肯定文) - any of those — これらどれでも (all of, everyと交換可能 | 肯定文)
- there aren't any apples on the floor (否定の場合はanyの後に複数形) - there aren't any apples on the floor (否定の場合はanyの後に複数形)
- you will likely do A — あなたはAすることだろう - you will likely do A — あなたはAすることだろう
- 99% of the time this is what you want to use — 99%これを使えば良い - 99% of the time this is what you want to use — 99%これを使えば良い
- The one catch is that — 例外は、 - The one catch is that — 例外は、
- I ended up settling for this which looks incredibly anti-pattern-y but was the only option that wouldn’t explode on me — 最終的にこれに落ち着いた。アンチパターンっぽいけど僕にとっては一番安定している - I ended up settling for this which looks incredibly anti-pattern-y but was the only option that wouldn’t explode on me — 最終的にこれに落ち着いた。アンチパターンっぽいけど僕にとっては一番安定している
- Why was that even created? — まずなぜこれが作られたの? - Why was that even created? — まずなぜこれが作られたの?
- Putting the main code in another function serves two purposes: - Putting the main code in another function serves two purposes:
- one week cannot and should not define any team - one week cannot and should not define any team
- it go to show that A — Aということの証明となる - it go to show that A — Aということの証明となる
- A is to not have B — 「A」とは、Bを持たないことである - A is to not have B — 「A」とは、Bを持たないことである
> wireless charging is kinda funny because it really goes to show that the only way to get the tech industry to agree on a unified connector is to not have a connector > wireless charging is kinda funny because it really goes to show that the only way to get the tech industry to agree on a unified connector is to not have a connector
@ -82,9 +86,7 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
> glad you’re happily situated elsewhere now. — あなたが他の場所で活躍しているようで嬉しい > glad you’re happily situated elsewhere now. — あなたが他の場所で活躍しているようで嬉しい
- My dA account turned 10yo. In fact, I had spent 99% of the time as a lurker and six months ago finally started drawing and posting art. - My dA account turned 10yo. In fact, I had spent 99% of the time as a lurker and six months ago finally started drawing and posting art.
- A conditional request is one that triggers if something happens, like: "If you don't quit talking, I am gonna have to ask you to leave." In this case, you can't really say, "If you don't quit talking, I have to ask you to leave." So even though it's not really conditional, using a conditional form is more polite because it's less direct. - A conditional request is one that triggers if something happens, like: "If you don't quit talking, I am gonna have to ask you to leave." In this case, you can't really say, "If you don't quit talking, I have to ask you to leave." So even though it's not really conditional, using a conditional form is more polite because it's less direct.
- come to pass - come to pass
- come across - come across
@ -104,7 +106,6 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- for asking — 望むなら - for asking — 望むなら
- fuck A up — Aをボコボコにする - fuck A up — Aをボコボコにする
- friendly reminder - a euphemism for "this is the last warning" - friendly reminder - a euphemism for "this is the last warning"
- I feel attached - I feel attached
- I feel called out - I feel called out
@ -117,7 +118,6 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- A teenager not old to buy a six-pack — ビールも買えない年頃の子供 - A teenager not old to buy a six-pack — ビールも買えない年頃の子供
- It is likely that 未来形 — 〜になるだろう - It is likely that 未来形 — 〜になるだろう
- It's likely that the affair will come to nothing — どうやら無事に治まりそうだ - It's likely that the affair will come to nothing — どうやら無事に治まりそうだ
- We will most likely do A — 我々は必ずAをするでしょう - We will most likely do A — 我々は必ずAをするでしょう
- chirring - 虫が鳴く; bugs chirring - chirring - 虫が鳴く; bugs chirring
- what are you waiting for - what are you waiting for
@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- adherence — 執着 one's adherence to A - adherence — 執着 one's adherence to A
- belief — 信念 - belief — 信念
- on principle — 道徳的見地から - on principle — 道徳的見地から
- in set terms — 決まり文句で - in set terms — 決まり文句で
- (Evening|Cold weather) has set in — (夜に|寒く)なった - (Evening|Cold weather) has set in — (夜に|寒く)なった
@ -169,18 +168,19 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
- in term of A — Aの観点から - in term of A — Aの観点から
## Go ## Go
- go into 何かを始める;状態に入る;費やされる - go into 何かを始める;状態に入る;費やされる
- go down 降りる;落ちる;低下する; go down on all fours — 四つん這いになる - go down 降りる;落ちる;低下する; go down on all fours — 四つん這いになる
- go easy on fellow insiders 身内に甘い;身内に手加減する - go easy on fellow insiders 身内に甘い;身内に手加減する
- go easy with her 彼女に優しくしろよ - go easy with her 彼女に優しくしろよ
## Get ## Get
- get over it (障害を)乗り越えろ - get over it (障害を)乗り越えろ
- get out 出て行く - get out 出て行く
- get down on A for B — Bしたことに大してAを批判し続ける - get down on A for B — Bしたことに大してAを批判し続ける
- get down to [verb.] — やっと始める。 - get down to [verb.] — やっと始める。
- get in — 乗り込む - get in — 乗り込む
- too much to take - 手に負えない - too much to take - 手に負えない
- de rigueur - 慣習上必要不可欠 - de rigueur - 慣習上必要不可欠
- utterly - 完全に - utterly - 完全に
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ redirect_from: "/blog/2019/01/17/english-note"
> The balloon is likely to burst at any time その風船は今にも爆発しそうだ > The balloon is likely to burst at any time その風船は今にも爆発しそうだ
> It is because the air was polluted that the experiment was a failure. > It is because the air was polluted that the experiment was a failure.
The experiment was a failure because the air was polluted. > The experiment was a failure because the air was polluted.
> Thesis. Remote companies have less of an echo chamber since they are distributed. Thoughts? > Thesis. Remote companies have less of an echo chamber since they are distributed. Thoughts?
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ The experiment was a failure because the air was polluted.
> Because he's the kind of person who likes helping others and is always gentle and kind as you described > Because he's the kind of person who likes helping others and is always gentle and kind as you described
> it was more difficult to get it wrong than guess it right! > it was more difficult to get it wrong than guess it right!
> I'm pretty sure there was a lot of uproar about the Equifax thing > I'm pretty sure there was a lot of uproar about the Equifax thing
@ -351,15 +351,14 @@ p.p. the present progressive form, 現在進行系
- Seeing me, the man ran away. ←→ As the man saw me, he ran away. - Seeing me, the man ran away. ←→ As the man saw me, he ran away.
- Written in simple English, this book is easy to understand. ←→ Since this book is written in simple English, it is easy to understand. - Written in simple English, this book is easy to understand. ←→ Since this book is written in simple English, it is easy to understand.
- Walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell. ←→ When I was walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell. - Walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell. ←→ When I was walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell.
- and そうすれば or 然もなくば but けれども so だから、それで for というのも nor 〜もまた、〜ではない - and そうすれば or 然もなくば but けれども so だから、それで for というのも nor 〜もまた、〜ではない
- She is not a politician, nor is she a diplomat. - She is not a politician, nor is she a diplomat.
## when ## when
1. 未来の条件を表す場合は現在形を使う When I arrive at the station, I'll call you. 1. 未来の条件を表す場合は現在形を使う When I arrive at the station, I'll call you.
1. 過去の時を表す場合は過去形 When I was a child, I used to like soccer. 2. 過去の時を表す場合は過去形 When I was a child, I used to like soccer.
1. 未来の可能性を話す場合は未来形 I don't know when he will come. 3. 未来の可能性を話す場合は未来形 I don't know when he will come.
- happened to — たまたま、偶然、もしかして - happened to — たまたま、偶然、もしかして
- Do you happen to know if she has a boyfriend? — あの子に彼氏いるのかな? - Do you happen to know if she has a boyfriend? — あの子に彼氏いるのかな?
@ -372,7 +371,7 @@ to不定詞がunrealized(未実現)、-ingがrealized(実現)
- Thank you for playing the game - Thank you for playing the game
1. She is studying English hard to study abroad. 1. She is studying English hard to study abroad.
1. She study English hard to study abroad. 2. She study English hard to study abroad.
違いは? 違いは?